Do you hear scratching or scurrying sounds coming from your ceiling? There are various types of evidence that animals may be living in your attic or walls, but noises are usually the most obvious and first noticed. The problem with having an animal in the attic is that it's difficult to tell what it is and how many there are without prior experience.
Signs of an Animal in the Attic
When you hear scampering noises or other strange sounds coming from your attic, look for other signs of animal activity on your property to determine the source and scope of the problem. The following are some signs of animals in the attic:
Observing any of these types of animal evidence could indicate that animals are living in your attic, walls, crawl spaces, or other areas of your property.
Which Wild Animals are in the Attic?
Now that you've determined there are animals upstairs, it's time to identify them so you can deal with them safely and effectively. These are the most common attic invaders, as well as the telltale signs of their presence:
How to Safely Get Rid of Animals in the Attic
The best way to avoid wildlife issues is to constantly monitor your property for activity and seal any holes that could lead into your attic or walls. However, if wild animals begin to nest or reproduce inside your home, you should contact your local pest control company.
If you have holes in your roof that are allowing the pest to easier access your roof, it might be time to call Roof Tarp and Board Up Services to help keep those holes closed until you can get those taken care of permanently.
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